Simple digital solutions for the cannabis industry
I offer a variety of technical services for cannabis dispensaries! And considering there are more and more New York cannabis websites popping up online, now is the time to get yours to the top of Google’s search results!
From optimized web development, intriguing web design, POS shop integration (e.g. Dutchie), and local search engine optimization – I can get your cannabis dispensary website to flourish against competitors.
Stand Out
website themes suck
Almost anyone can get a website up and running by backfilling a theme with content and images, but just because it’s build doesn’t mean that they’ll come.
One-stop Shop
i don't outsource
I can handle your site fully or jump in anywhere along the process. From website development, to website launch, DNS, SEO, integration, eCommerce.
I'm Experienced
i've been around the block
I’ve been involved in multiple dispensary web development projects, from full site dev to Dutchie integrations to speed and search engine optimization.
The debut of the billion-dollar cannabis market here in New York State is just around the corner (ETA mid-2023), contact me today to learn how I can help get your digital presence up and running.